Friday, September 26, 2008

Kick-Off Meeting

In order to establish a network among different key market actors (local/regional authorities, industry, research partners, finance institutions, etc.) the Moura municipality is organizing a meeting with portuguese Partners during Kick-off Meeting of SUNFLOWER´s project.

This meeting is a part of WP2 and 3 of the project, in wich work to be done includes the organization of several “Study-tours” and “Stakolders Meetings” related to the needs of the partners (or associated members) concerning local energy production from RES.

During Study-tours, meetings with representatives from municipal energy and environment departments, local energy management agencies, energy companies, schools or community associations will also be promoted. The idea is not limit theses studies to a simple visit to a place where energy is produced, but to include the entire community that is benefiting or inter-acting with it. Cases to be studied should be an anchor of real cases related to local sustainable development processes.

As a transversal action that begins in WP2 and ends in WP3, meetings like the one that is being prepare should lead (long-term time) to Memoranda of Understanding (between local authorities and investment partners) that identify RES projects or other cooperation actions in this field.

National partners that might be interested in participate at this meeting, might solicitate an inscription by using this link.

For those that want to have the full program please click here: Kick-Off Meeting Agenda .